Activity of collecting honey is said to have been held since 10,000 years ago. Proof of this is the opinion containing findings of an image on a wall in a cave in Valencia, Spain. The picture shows two men using a ladder made from a kind of wild grass was reaching for the honey bee hive contains. At first, people over use honey as food. Then, no longer limited to the use of honey as a sweetener consumption only.
Here Honey Benefits
1. Honey for energy sources
In the past, the ancient Roman and Greek athletes drink honey before and after competing as a remedy for stamina and energy restorer. For centuries honey is known as a sportsman's fuel because honey contains sugar which is quickly absorbed by the digestive system so honey is a source of instant energy. Until now, in the world of sports and honey given before the game as a substitute carbohydrates used during exercise.
2. As effective as glucose honey
Research results are issued a medical journal says levels of glycemic index (GI measure to quantify the negative impact of food on blood sugar) is low on honey slows the absorption of sugar in the blood so that more healthy digestive system and ensure the availability of carbohydrates during exercise. Meanwhile, Nutrition Laboratory at the University Mempish stated that honey is effective as a substitute for carbohydrates glucose during heating.
3. Honey for wound healer
In the medical world the Greeks and Romans pioneered the use of honey to treat nasal congestion while the ancient Egyptian nation to pioneer the use of honey to treat wounds. They make an ointment of honey to treat burns and puncture wounds caused by sharp objects.
4. Honey as an antibiotic
After thousands of years of use, the efficacy of honey as a wound remedy scientifically revealed. Honey works as a natural antibiotic that sangggup defeat deadly bacteria. Honey is very acidic so it is not suitable for the growth and proliferation of bacteria. Honey produces hydrogen peroxide which is an incredible anti-septic. The process of osmosis in eradicating the bacteria in honey viscosity of honey that contains little water osmosis permeate water produced from bacteria in wounds and burns, is like a sponge absorbs water. Honey dried bacteria so the bacteria difficult to grow.
5. Honey to kill germs
Exceptional nutritional content such as free amino acids in honey can help cure diseases. Honey contains antibiotic substances that are useful to defeat panyakit pathogens causing infections. Following the ancient Egyptian nation after a study to find scientific facts, honey ointment for wounds are now in production in Australia.
6. Honey for Therapy
The Egyptians are known most good at concocting medicines from natural ingredients. Honey is included in 500 of the 900 prescription prescription drugs that are known. Modern medicine that refers to the therapeutic use of honey of ancient Egypt are satisfied with the results.
7. Honey for Treating ulcers
Hospital University of Wisconsin Medical School and Public Health, for example, Applying honey therapy for ulcers suffered by diabetics. The trial of a 79-year-old patient successfully heal finger ulcers on his feet. The patient does not even amputated thanks to the honey treatment.
8. Honey for Antioxidants
In New Zealand, honey therapy successfully heals blisters on the backs of patients who are too old lying in a hospital bed. In the United Arab Emirates, honey therapy for injuries caused by herpes and genital lips penyambuhan accelerate and reduce pain. Meanwhile, to prove the role of honey as an antioxidant researcher at the University of California proved consumption of honey can increase antioxidants in the blood. Tests on mice to assess the ability of honey increases calcium absorption gives satisfactory results. Research at Purdue University was concluded, the consumption of calcium supplements with honey can improve the absorption of calcium by the body.
9. Honey for Ageless
Why did the British Empire Empress and Queen Elizabeth longevity? Can be believed, honey plays a major role in maintaining health, making his second long-lived. For the English royal family, honey breakfast is a habit every day they put on a high-quality honey on the bread. Natural sweetness of honey used in England until the mid 17th century. The habit had changed when sugar is considered more classy start in production. However, after the widespread use of sugar is no longer limited to the upper classes, the royal family back honey. That's why their health is well maintained.
This entry was posted in Benefits of Honey on March 1, 2012.
Original Honey
1 Reply
Today, honey is increasingly favored by the people of Indonesia because besides being sweet and delicious, honey has various health benefits for our bodies. Unfortunately, it is used by people and parties who are not responsible to sell or distribute counterfeit honey are difficult to distinguish from the original.
Currently, many circulating fake honey. However, to understand the nature and content of honey, can be assessed where the honey is "genuine" and "fake", as well as the quality of the honey is good or bad. Then how the characteristics of the original honey, as well as how to distinguish the fake honey?
There are 3 kinds of honey are not fairly original, namely:
1. TOTAL forgery, made by adding the volume of honey "original" with honey "false", eg mixing sugar / honey made relatively cheaper to then stirred.
2. QUALITY forgery, is usually done by changing the water content of honey that was high, then lowered by heating.
3. STRICT forgery, the honey is claimed to "original" when in fact 100% artificial, so it's not that nerasal of honey bees with original compositions.
In the visible is difficult to distinguish, quantitative testing is needed to ensure the authenticity of honey. Through test quantity, honey can be estimated if the falsified or added something; honey sucrose levels rise, the enzyme levels go up / down, the ash content to be up / down, power up electrical conductivity, content of pollen in the sediments down, down mineral content, aroma and flavor changing , the content of HMF (Hydroxy metal Furfuraldehid) changed, protein levels dropped, the color is bright, honey contains PbCl2, PbSO4, anions and cations.
HMF content of which is a breakdown product of glucose and fructose in honey maximum of 3 mg/100 g. Honey also has the acidity (pH) remains ranged from 3.4 to 4.5, while the pH from 2.4 to 3.3 or above fake honey 5. Activity of the enzyme diastase in honey quality with ratios of at least 5 Potassium (K) and Sodium (Na) of about 4.0. On the fake honey ratio of 0.05-0.1. Honey has a characteristic optical rotate to the left that can be checked with a polarimeter.
It is a simple way to distinguish between genuine and fake honey. And there are the following additional information about the characteristics of genuine and fake honey:
Honey circulating in Indonesia are generally produced from three types of bees; apis dorsata (forest bees), apis mellifera (bee superior) and apis cerana (local bees) in the roof of the house. In terms of quality, forest honey (organic honey) black color better than honey in cultivation.
Unfortunately, the Indonesian people are used to the consumption of honey cultivation bright brown. As a result, forest honey honey is considered as false. Many people are curious to differentiate genuine honey produced by bees foraging in the wild from a fake honey (sugar syrup, for example).
Allegedly, the circulation of fake honey in Indonesia is very high. Trials through real or fake honey aroma, a swarm of ants, viscosity when dropped in the dust, yet so guarantees the authenticity of a product of honey.
In the laboratory, the glucose content of honey is rather dominant visible and more prominent on the sucrose content of fake honey. Honey contains minerals such as sodium, calcium, magnesium, aluminum, iron, phosphorus and potassium. Honey vitamins in the form of thiamin (B1), riboflavin (B2), ascorbic acid (C), pyridoxine (B6), niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, and vitamin K. asamfolat
Honey contains enzymes, while no false honey. Enzymes can not man-made, and can only be made honey bees. The most important enzymes in the honey; diatase, invertase, glucose oxidase, peroxidase and lipase. Converting enzyme diastase is a complex carbohydrate (polysaccharide) so simple carbohydrates (mono-saccharides). Invertase enzyme breaker is a molecule of glucose and sucrose so fluktosa. Oxidase enzyme to assume the role as a maid so acidic peroxide oxidation of glucose. Peroxidase oxidation metabolic process. All substances useful to the body's metabolic processes.
While the fake honey contains a mixture of glucose with sugar, fruit, flavor and dye extremely detrimental to human health. The characteristics of honey should be colorful, jet-black (derived from acacia flowers), reddish black, bright yellow, yellowish or whitish yellow (bee farming). When getting the honey with the same color and consistency is necessary because the original honey color is never the same.
Aroma can also be used as a medium to determine a product is genuine or fake honey. Honey has distinctive aroma and smells like honey from flowers rambutan, or longan kapok. This is different from the fake honey scented at all.
Another test, the original honey when poured over the plate as much as two spoons and then doused in water and shaken to the right to the left will form a honeycomb. If the spread is not even mix with water, then categorized fake honey.
Consumers are also encouraged to try themselves to make the body as a natural laboratory. The trick, fasting for 10 hours, then check the blood sugar. Tell A drink 2-3 tablespoons of honey. After 2 hours, check your blood sugar again. Say B if the honey is pure and natural, with a difference between B minor.
Patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) who experienced eating honey can taste pure honey and fake honey. If after drinking honey, the body fresh and energetic again (same as not just people with diabetes who drink sweet tea), it indicates that the new drink of honey pure and natural. In the body of diabetic patients, honey converted into energy (without the help of insulin).
Unfortunately, today many fake that resembles honey honey until these measures can only be a material consideration. The tip is to buy honey in place already trusted. When forced to buy elsewhere, compare whether the price is not too much different from the kind of honey from other brands. If the price is very cheap, biased so the honey is honey made.
Usefulness of honey has been proven to be good for the treatment, increase body strength and is used for beauty.
Original Honey Benefits in Blood
Blood clot and restore blood jetting correct.
Clean the lining of blood and blood become clean.
Offset the fat content and make active heart.
Relieve numb-numb and reduce high blood pressure.
Here Honey Benefits
1. Honey for energy sources
In the past, the ancient Roman and Greek athletes drink honey before and after competing as a remedy for stamina and energy restorer. For centuries honey is known as a sportsman's fuel because honey contains sugar which is quickly absorbed by the digestive system so honey is a source of instant energy. Until now, in the world of sports and honey given before the game as a substitute carbohydrates used during exercise.
2. As effective as glucose honey
Research results are issued a medical journal says levels of glycemic index (GI measure to quantify the negative impact of food on blood sugar) is low on honey slows the absorption of sugar in the blood so that more healthy digestive system and ensure the availability of carbohydrates during exercise. Meanwhile, Nutrition Laboratory at the University Mempish stated that honey is effective as a substitute for carbohydrates glucose during heating.
3. Honey for wound healer
In the medical world the Greeks and Romans pioneered the use of honey to treat nasal congestion while the ancient Egyptian nation to pioneer the use of honey to treat wounds. They make an ointment of honey to treat burns and puncture wounds caused by sharp objects.
4. Honey as an antibiotic
After thousands of years of use, the efficacy of honey as a wound remedy scientifically revealed. Honey works as a natural antibiotic that sangggup defeat deadly bacteria. Honey is very acidic so it is not suitable for the growth and proliferation of bacteria. Honey produces hydrogen peroxide which is an incredible anti-septic. The process of osmosis in eradicating the bacteria in honey viscosity of honey that contains little water osmosis permeate water produced from bacteria in wounds and burns, is like a sponge absorbs water. Honey dried bacteria so the bacteria difficult to grow.
5. Honey to kill germs
Exceptional nutritional content such as free amino acids in honey can help cure diseases. Honey contains antibiotic substances that are useful to defeat panyakit pathogens causing infections. Following the ancient Egyptian nation after a study to find scientific facts, honey ointment for wounds are now in production in Australia.
6. Honey for Therapy
The Egyptians are known most good at concocting medicines from natural ingredients. Honey is included in 500 of the 900 prescription prescription drugs that are known. Modern medicine that refers to the therapeutic use of honey of ancient Egypt are satisfied with the results.
7. Honey for Treating ulcers
Hospital University of Wisconsin Medical School and Public Health, for example, Applying honey therapy for ulcers suffered by diabetics. The trial of a 79-year-old patient successfully heal finger ulcers on his feet. The patient does not even amputated thanks to the honey treatment.
8. Honey for Antioxidants
In New Zealand, honey therapy successfully heals blisters on the backs of patients who are too old lying in a hospital bed. In the United Arab Emirates, honey therapy for injuries caused by herpes and genital lips penyambuhan accelerate and reduce pain. Meanwhile, to prove the role of honey as an antioxidant researcher at the University of California proved consumption of honey can increase antioxidants in the blood. Tests on mice to assess the ability of honey increases calcium absorption gives satisfactory results. Research at Purdue University was concluded, the consumption of calcium supplements with honey can improve the absorption of calcium by the body.
9. Honey for Ageless
Why did the British Empire Empress and Queen Elizabeth longevity? Can be believed, honey plays a major role in maintaining health, making his second long-lived. For the English royal family, honey breakfast is a habit every day they put on a high-quality honey on the bread. Natural sweetness of honey used in England until the mid 17th century. The habit had changed when sugar is considered more classy start in production. However, after the widespread use of sugar is no longer limited to the upper classes, the royal family back honey. That's why their health is well maintained.
This entry was posted in Benefits of Honey on March 1, 2012.
Original Honey
1 Reply
Today, honey is increasingly favored by the people of Indonesia because besides being sweet and delicious, honey has various health benefits for our bodies. Unfortunately, it is used by people and parties who are not responsible to sell or distribute counterfeit honey are difficult to distinguish from the original.
Currently, many circulating fake honey. However, to understand the nature and content of honey, can be assessed where the honey is "genuine" and "fake", as well as the quality of the honey is good or bad. Then how the characteristics of the original honey, as well as how to distinguish the fake honey?
There are 3 kinds of honey are not fairly original, namely:
1. TOTAL forgery, made by adding the volume of honey "original" with honey "false", eg mixing sugar / honey made relatively cheaper to then stirred.
2. QUALITY forgery, is usually done by changing the water content of honey that was high, then lowered by heating.
3. STRICT forgery, the honey is claimed to "original" when in fact 100% artificial, so it's not that nerasal of honey bees with original compositions.
In the visible is difficult to distinguish, quantitative testing is needed to ensure the authenticity of honey. Through test quantity, honey can be estimated if the falsified or added something; honey sucrose levels rise, the enzyme levels go up / down, the ash content to be up / down, power up electrical conductivity, content of pollen in the sediments down, down mineral content, aroma and flavor changing , the content of HMF (Hydroxy metal Furfuraldehid) changed, protein levels dropped, the color is bright, honey contains PbCl2, PbSO4, anions and cations.
HMF content of which is a breakdown product of glucose and fructose in honey maximum of 3 mg/100 g. Honey also has the acidity (pH) remains ranged from 3.4 to 4.5, while the pH from 2.4 to 3.3 or above fake honey 5. Activity of the enzyme diastase in honey quality with ratios of at least 5 Potassium (K) and Sodium (Na) of about 4.0. On the fake honey ratio of 0.05-0.1. Honey has a characteristic optical rotate to the left that can be checked with a polarimeter.
It is a simple way to distinguish between genuine and fake honey. And there are the following additional information about the characteristics of genuine and fake honey:
Honey circulating in Indonesia are generally produced from three types of bees; apis dorsata (forest bees), apis mellifera (bee superior) and apis cerana (local bees) in the roof of the house. In terms of quality, forest honey (organic honey) black color better than honey in cultivation.
Unfortunately, the Indonesian people are used to the consumption of honey cultivation bright brown. As a result, forest honey honey is considered as false. Many people are curious to differentiate genuine honey produced by bees foraging in the wild from a fake honey (sugar syrup, for example).
Allegedly, the circulation of fake honey in Indonesia is very high. Trials through real or fake honey aroma, a swarm of ants, viscosity when dropped in the dust, yet so guarantees the authenticity of a product of honey.
In the laboratory, the glucose content of honey is rather dominant visible and more prominent on the sucrose content of fake honey. Honey contains minerals such as sodium, calcium, magnesium, aluminum, iron, phosphorus and potassium. Honey vitamins in the form of thiamin (B1), riboflavin (B2), ascorbic acid (C), pyridoxine (B6), niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, and vitamin K. asamfolat
Honey contains enzymes, while no false honey. Enzymes can not man-made, and can only be made honey bees. The most important enzymes in the honey; diatase, invertase, glucose oxidase, peroxidase and lipase. Converting enzyme diastase is a complex carbohydrate (polysaccharide) so simple carbohydrates (mono-saccharides). Invertase enzyme breaker is a molecule of glucose and sucrose so fluktosa. Oxidase enzyme to assume the role as a maid so acidic peroxide oxidation of glucose. Peroxidase oxidation metabolic process. All substances useful to the body's metabolic processes.
While the fake honey contains a mixture of glucose with sugar, fruit, flavor and dye extremely detrimental to human health. The characteristics of honey should be colorful, jet-black (derived from acacia flowers), reddish black, bright yellow, yellowish or whitish yellow (bee farming). When getting the honey with the same color and consistency is necessary because the original honey color is never the same.
Aroma can also be used as a medium to determine a product is genuine or fake honey. Honey has distinctive aroma and smells like honey from flowers rambutan, or longan kapok. This is different from the fake honey scented at all.
Another test, the original honey when poured over the plate as much as two spoons and then doused in water and shaken to the right to the left will form a honeycomb. If the spread is not even mix with water, then categorized fake honey.
Consumers are also encouraged to try themselves to make the body as a natural laboratory. The trick, fasting for 10 hours, then check the blood sugar. Tell A drink 2-3 tablespoons of honey. After 2 hours, check your blood sugar again. Say B if the honey is pure and natural, with a difference between B minor.
Patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) who experienced eating honey can taste pure honey and fake honey. If after drinking honey, the body fresh and energetic again (same as not just people with diabetes who drink sweet tea), it indicates that the new drink of honey pure and natural. In the body of diabetic patients, honey converted into energy (without the help of insulin).
Unfortunately, today many fake that resembles honey honey until these measures can only be a material consideration. The tip is to buy honey in place already trusted. When forced to buy elsewhere, compare whether the price is not too much different from the kind of honey from other brands. If the price is very cheap, biased so the honey is honey made.
Usefulness of honey has been proven to be good for the treatment, increase body strength and is used for beauty.
Original Honey Benefits in Blood
Blood clot and restore blood jetting correct.
Clean the lining of blood and blood become clean.
Offset the fat content and make active heart.
Relieve numb-numb and reduce high blood pressure.
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Androidku - Friday, June 7, 2013
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