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Know the Benefits of Mangosteen Skin health is very much apart from the benefits of the mangosteen fruit. In the article about the health benefits of mangosteen peel Hasbihtc listed 76 benefits of mangosteen peel. Namum before it would be nice if we the History Mangosteen The Queen of Fruits originated from Southeast Asia Mangosteen is also known as the crop growth slowest and the Origin of mangosteen is thought to have come from Indonesia precisely derived

Kalimantan Island of Indonesia mangosteens then spread eastward to Papua New Guinea and the islands of Mindanao in the Philippines, then north to Peninsula Malaysia and continues to spread to southern Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam, and Cambodia. The mangosteen is known by researchers from Western countries since the start of 1631.

Fresh Mangosteen image


In the last two centuries, mangosteen has spread to other tropical countries such as southern India, Brazil, Central America, and northern Australia. Who first discovered the mangosteen fruit is of French explorers named Laurent Garcin 1683-1751 and cultivated a long time in the wet tropics. And the name of the inventor was then naming latin mangosteen fruit called Garcinia Mangostana.

State of Indonesia as a country with biodiversity is one of the mangosteen production centers are exported to various parts of the world such as America and Europe. Mangosteen xanthones skin to produce compounds, which are substances that are formed from isolated skin of the mangosteen fruit. Levels of xanthones reached 123.97 mg per ml.

Xanthones have anti-inflammatory activity and antioxidant. Xanthone compounds have the ability to ward off free radicals and prevent cell damage that inhibited cell degeneration process. At this day and age people are easily contaminated by chemicals, pollutants and artificial ingredients. Xanthones as an antioxidant, but also anticancer.

Here is the explanation for the health benefits of mangosteen peel:
Mangosteen Skin Can Help wounds heal ulcers.
Mangosteen skin Can Ease irritable bowel syndrome
Mangosteen Skin Can Help stop the diarrhea.
Mangosteen skin to relieve inflammation of the small intestine or large
Mangosteen skin to prevent inflammatory bowel disease
Can Mangosteen skin Helps prevent heart disease.
Can Mangosteen skin Strengthens blood vessels.
Can Mangosteen skin Lowering LDL cholesterol.
Can Mangosteen skin Lowering high blood pressure.
Can Mangosteen skin Helps prevent arteriosclerosis.
Mangosteen skin Can Increase energy and improve stamina.
Mangosteen Skin Can Slow the aging process.
Mangosteen can help prevent skin damage from brain disease
Can Mangosteen skin Helps prevent kidney stones.
Can Mangosteen skin Helps prevent nervous system diseases
Mangosteen skin Can Reduce pain from arthritis.
Mangosteen Skin Repairing the damage from the use of pain relievers
Mangosteen Skin Can Help eyesight.
Mangosteen skin Can Reduce fever.
Can Mangosteen skin Strengthens the immune system.
Mangosteen skin to heal inflammation.
Mangosteen skin Can Improve communication between cells.
Mangosteen skin Can Overcome DNA Damage.
Mangosteen Skin Can Help lymph systems.
Mangosteen skin Can Maintain optimal thyroid function.
Mangosteen skin Can Reduce insulin resistance.
Mangosteen Skin Can Help weight loss.
Mangosteen skin to heal nerve damage.
Can Mangosteen Skin Balancing the endocrine system.
Can Mangosteen skin synergy body tools.
Mangosteen skin Can Relieve hemorrhoids.
Can Mangosteen skin Helps lower blood sugar levels
Can Mangosteen Skin Lighten skin diseases.
Can Mangosteen skin Helps heal wounds.
Mangosteen skin Can Overcome food poisoning.
Mangosteen skin to heal sore throat.
Mangosteen can help heal skin ulcers.
Can Mangosteen skin Fights bad breath.
Can Mangosteen skin Helps reduce the migrant.
Mangosteen skin Can Reduce toothache.
Mangosteen Skin Can Help you sleep better.
Mangosteen skin Can Overcome stess.
Mangosteen skin Can Improve mood and reduce depression
Mangosteen skin Can Overcome sore muscles and joints.
Mangosteen skin to heal acne and scars
Mangosteen skin Can Eliminate bite marks, burns and poisoning.
Mangosteen skin Can Ease sprains, muscular and joint tension.
Mangosteen skin Can Relieve abdominal pain.
Working as Mangosteen skin pain blocked nose.
Can Mangosteen skin Helps prevent infertility.
Can Mangosteen skin Helps prevent prostate enlargement.
Mangosteen skin Can Ease difficulty urinating.
Mangosteen skin functions as laxative with a gentle process.
Mangosteen skin to minimize pain symptoms prior to menstruation.
Mangosteen skin Can Relieve the symptoms of menopause.
Mangosteen skin can decrease menstrual swelling.
Meringkan pain in muscles, ligaments, or tendons.
Mangosteen skin Can Relieve Asthma.
Can prevent attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and food allergies.
Shape of the teeth and bones stronger.
Mangosteen skin to prevent gum disease.
Mangosteen Can Eradicate TB skin.
Reducing the side effects of lactose intolerance.
Can Mangosteen skin Helps prevent dysentery.
Helps prevent central nervous system disease
Can Mangosteen to prevent skin cancer.
Prevent symptoms associated with lupus disease.
Reduce severe muscle weakness disease.
Ease the pain of the disease that occurs in the wrist.
Remove dry and flaky skin.
Anti-inflammatory properties of mangosteen may reduce the scales and itchy skin disease.
Helps treat chronic disease characterized by the flow of stomach acid.
Reduces chronic inflammatory disease that attacks the spinal structures.
Help prevent lung infections and chronic respiratory cyctic fibrosis.
Relieve pain caused by decreased bone density and osteoporosis.
Relieve sore throat, emphysema, pneumonia and pneumonia.
How to Treat Skin with a way to make ordinary Mangosteen juice mangosteen peel. The following are the steps made
Peel the skin of the mangosteen fruit and grab it.
Of the skin of the mangosteen, take the meat section of skin, the outermost part of a hard thrown away.
Mix the meat with the mangosteen peel with water and ethanol sufficient amount of water 2 times more than the amount of ethanol. Then puree in blender
Leave it for a full 24 hour day mangosteen peel blender earlier results.
Filter results blender that has been stored for one day to take the juice.
's Ready to eat, to add sweetness can add honey to taste
Thus Ulaasan of Hasbihtc Seventy more about the benefits of mangosteen and how mangosteen skin juicing Hopefully bemanfaat Can Also Read
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Ditulis oleh: Androidku - Friday, June 7, 2013


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